Day 3. Fully committed. Foundation laid. As the picture shows, the skin of my upper lip is being invaded. Slowly but surely, my mo is starting to take shape. I'm just a couple of days away from the second glances that indicate curiosity;
"Is he growing a mustache??? Did he lose a bet???? Are his friends putting him up to this???? Does he own a full set of leather bound encyclopedias???"
Fortunately, my mo has already proved it's mettle. Only tonight I heard a shriek from my wife. As I came bounding up the stairs she was distraught over the discovery of one of these on our ceiling...
Naturally, I remain calm and collected. I have an image to maintain. After all, I have a mustache.
I move in to make the kill. With a swing of a Nautica flip flop, the bug is dead. As mentioned, the centipede was on our ceiling. As the flip flop found it's mark, some centipede "shrapnel" was cut loose...falling through the air...on to my mustache. No joke. It was gross. But I felt protected. This thing is like a bullet proof vest for my lip...
On a more serious note, I really want to thank everyone who has already donated to my Movember campaign. In only two days, we've raised $1101. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the generosity and support of everyone. I have set no limit and intend to raise as much as I can before this thing is said and done. With the start we're off to, I feel like the expectations are high and I promise my mo will not disappoint. For those who haven't and wish to, visit to make a donation. Thank you, thank you, thank you...
Health Facts for the day:
- African-American men, who are also likely to develop cancer at every age
- Men who are older than 60
- Men who have a father or brother with prostate cancer
- Men exposed to agent orange exposure
- Men who abuse alcohol
- Farmers
- Men who eat a diet high in fat, especially animal fat
- Tire plant workers
- Painters
- Men who have been exposed to cadmium
Historical Facts(ish) for the day:
"...from Civil War generals like Lew Wallace to the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft (the last Mustached American President), people of Mustached American descent were chainsaw wielding men of power, good looks, martial arts abilities, and long-lasting virility."
American Mustache Institute
Mustached Hero for the Day:
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Billy D. Williams a.k.a. Lando Calrizian |
Love the post brother! A couple of hours ago when I was at the truck stop in Tucumcari, NM had just gotten out of the shower, was starting to shave and just then remembered that, "Oh s**t, I'm supposed to be growing a mustache not shaving it off!" We'll hopefully it is not to late for me. Saw your e-mail, think it is fantastic. Will talk later with you on what I should do. Much love, James