Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 1 - Movember 1st, 2011 - My Mustache is born

Approximately 3 1/2" in width and showing little to no evidence of actual growth, today my "mo" began life.  In the next thirty days we shall see just what my mo is capable of doing.  Having the experience of varieties of facial hair of the years, i.e. sideburns and beards, I feel very qualified to handle the duties and responsibilities that will come with donning such a glorious mane.  

As a sales rep for Andersen Windows, on a daily basis I will get to share the growth and development of my mo with co-workers and clients.  I also have like 70 facebook friends and I'm sure they will be super stoked to follow me on here....

Check back to see it grow!

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